Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ambushed: A Comparison

If you were in a war and found yourself in an ambush situation, there are a few things you would rely heavily on to stay alive. 

Movement- A stationary target soon becomes a dead target.

Return fire- Take every opportunity to shoot back. If you can eliminate the threat, you don't die.

Firepower- Pull out the biggest, meanest weapon you have. Don't rely on a .45 when you have an M16.

Ammunition- If you don't have enough ammunition, you may as well not have a gun.

Support- If you have buddies around you or even better, air support to drop the big guns on them, use them.

Training/Intelligence- The skills you have been taught and as much information as you can find about the current situation.

Tenacity- Use every skill and trick that you know to keep your enemy off balance and on the run.

Perseverance- Never give up.

If you were to employ all of these, together, you would stand a decent chance of not only surviving, but winning your battle. You could also be defeated. If you take that attitude into a battle, however, you have given yourself a huge setback right from the start. General Eisenhower once said, "Pessimism never won any battle". If you don't think you can win, why are you there in the first place? Knowing that you may die, but fighting like you have to win, means the battle is worth fighting. If a battle is worth fighting, then it's worth fighting to the finish and fighting to win. 

We need lawmakers who understand that this can apply to any battle they face, not just one where bad guys are trying to shoot you with an AK-47. How does this apply to congress? 

Movement. Don't just stand still and become complacent. The status quo will get nothing done. Being conservative does not, as some would have you believe, mean fighting change. If you want to define so simply, it means fighting against progressives and their freedom destroying ideals and fighting for those freedoms that are God given and constitutionally protected. They need to get busy. Don't just stand there and watch our country fall further into the post-constitutional soft tyranny that it is rapidly becoming. We aren't paying them to hold the carpet down in congress, we are paying them to work, for us

Return fire. When we are in the minority, it seems to become the modus operendi to just try and rely on "no" votes. News flash, when you are in the minority, "no" won't do it. They need to fire back with every tool they have. Create useful legislation. Put people's feet to the fire by bringing votes to the floor. Work behind the scenes in committees. Use the power that they have, and they have many. Stand in front of every camera that presents itself and get the message out to the public. Let the public join the fight in contacting their representatives. There are countless ways to fight back, but occasionally pointing the legislative "weapons" that they possess will do nothing unless they pull the trigger!

Firepower. Pull out the big guns, don't just sit around occasionally firing a cap gun. We have a few Senators that are not afraid to make some noise in this manner, far too few. When Rand Paul stood up and filibustered for half a day, it made noise, a lot of noise. He was cheered wildly from one side and attacked viciously from the other. He was noticed, to say the least. When Ted Cruz stands up and speaks his mind, people know it. When he challenged Dianne Feinstein over the second amendment, she was visibly upset. Although I'm sure she has spoken, I can't remember very much news about her since that happened. This was a freshman Senator taking on an establishment Senator that has been in office for over twenty years. He was armed to the teeth when he did that. A constitutional lawyer who argued the Heller decision before the Supreme Court taking on a lifetime politician who doesn't know the difference between a handgun and a rifle. These and a few others are not afraid to stand up and speak for what is right, regardless of any perceived consequences they may incur. We need more who will use the power that they have been given to do what the people expect of them.

Ammunition. Occasionally one will stand up and fire a shot off. Then the progressive machines throws a fusillade back at them and they slink back behind their desk and start worrying about re-election. What they need to do is re-load! Facts are deadly to the left. There is a never-ending supply of facts on most of the issues that we face, from gun control to health care to environmental issues. Nothing irritates me more that when some well-meaning person uses the phrase in a gun control debate, "guns don't kill people...", and then have not mush else to say. They are right in that statement, but it is useless by itself. There is an almost unlimited amount of data surrounding this issue. Why won't they use them? John Lott has written several extremely useful books on the subject. He is not alone. We need to get these facts into the fight. This issue is only one of the many examples where this is true.

Support. When Rand Paul filibustered, he started out alone. When he finished, it was standing room only, not just in the Senate chambers, but around the country. He had people like Cruz and Lee and dozens of others take stretches of his time to not only give him a breather, but also to throw a few volleys of their own. We sometimes see one of them reach out to the public for assistance on various issues, petitions, rallies and the like. We need to see them call for support from experts on issues, from each other and from the general public more often. Ronald Reagan reached out to the public often, with great success. One Senator doesn't stand much of a chance against the other ninety-nine. But one Senator with a great idea who can enunciate that to his comrades and to the millions of constituents across the country can soon amass an undefeatable force. They need to be willing to not only ask for help, but accept it when offered. 

Training/Intelligence. I keep using Ted Cruz as an example because he is such a good one. He is an expert in constitutional law. I suspect he and many of our representatives were schooled in debate. We have doctors, lawyers, military, businessmen and who knows what other areas of expertise representing us in Washington. All have a unique set of qualifications and educational experiences. Yet when they get there, most seem to forget that and just engage in verbal jousting. This is falling into the trap and the method of the progressives. They need to use what they know to take the fight to them, not let the other side use what they know to accomplish this endless cycle of derision while they pass unconstitutional liberty-killing laws behind our backs. They also have an unlimited network that can keep them up to speed on what is going on. They need to use this intelligence. How often do we here, "I don't know" when asked a question on an issue? They should be well versed on the issues and able to speak clearly about them. Ignorance is no excuse.

Tenacity. This is a tactic where conservatives could learn a thing or two from progressives. If the left loses a vote, they bring another. If that fails, they use some administrative agency or executive order. If that fails, they bring a lawsuit. If that fails, they do it anyway. Meanwhile, the progressive mouthpieces, like Jackson, Sharpton, Moore, Gore and the media never stop spewing rhetoric and shouting down their opponents. The progressives have been working hard at turning this country upside down since the late 1800's, and they have made huge strides in doing so. Those of us who wish to see the country returned to the guiding principles that the founding fathers put into place have been complacent, at best, collectively. We too often think the next election or next vote can turn things around. Remember how long long it has taken the progressives to get us into this position, it will probably take us that long to get it back if we ever get ourselves together. We cannot sit back and hope something changes. We have to change it and we have to be ever vigilant as we do so. The progressive never stops attacking, we have to have that mentality if things are to be changed.

Perseverance. Once we get all of that together, we cannot stop, ever. If this country is ever to remain what it was founded to be, we have to be constantly on guard. Evil isn't going away any time soon, and until it does, we have to guard against it. We, those who love and remember why we exist as a nation, are not just the best hope, we are the only hope. We need to return to, depend on and defend those principles that made America the great nation that it was and can be again. We need leaders, from among us, that will stand for these ideals.

Cicero once said:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Our biggest battle for the survival of this nation has not and will not be fought on the battlefields of the world, it has been and will continue to be fought in the halls and chambers of our houses of government. On every level from school boards to city councils to the houses of congress in Washington DC. We cannot lose this battle.

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